About us
Our Students: Diverse Learners, Global Reach
We help students from all walks of life find the right educational path—because every student deserves to thrive in a place where they belong.
At College Goals, we take pride in the thoughtful, personalized support we offer to students and families from a wide range of academic backgrounds, cultures, and personal circumstances. Our students are as diverse as the institutions they explore—whether they aim for highly selective universities or seek schools that align perfectly with their niche goals and interests.
Students We Work With
Our team has extensive experience working with:
American and international students across a variety of secondary school systems.
Students with exceptional abilities—whether academic, athletic, or artistic.
Students with learning differences or those overcoming personal challenges.
Student-athletes pursuing competitive sports at the school or collegiate level.
Home-schooled students and those with alternative learning experiences.
Students seeking encouragement and confidence to realize their personal best.

Finding the Right Fit for Every Student
At College Goals, the students we serve aren’t defined by their academic resumes alone—they are individuals with passions, talents, and personal stories that matter. What unites them is a commitment to finding a school or university that aligns with their character and ambitions.
By the time they enter their chosen school or college, our students have a clear sense of purpose and the confidence that they belong in the right place. We help them discover this clarity—not just through applications, but through thoughtful reflection on their goals, interests, and potential.
A Global Community of Students
From South Korea to Spain, Brazil to the United States, College Goals has helped students from every corner of the globe find their path forward. Our international reach ensures that no matter where your family is located, we are ready to guide your child to the best educational opportunities worldwide.

Discover Your Child’s Potential with College Goals
Our students don’t just get accepted—they thrive. We work closely with every student and family to ensure the school they choose not only meets their academic needs but also helps them grow personally and socially.
Explore how College Goals can help your family find the right path, no matter where your journey begins.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for taking such care in working with our daughter during this most important and critical step into her future.
Let me take the opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for me, both with my supplements and all of the other outside guidance you have given me. I couldn’t have gone through this process without you.
We quickly realized that the process especially for students attending high schools outside of the United States was too complex to manage without support. Thank you for being that support for us!
Get Started Today
Ready to help your child discover their perfect fit?
Click the button below to learn more about how College Goals can support your family every step of the way.